Why do parents have to pay to watch competitions?
Our members parents generally make up a large number of our audience members, and while it may seem unfair to have to pay every time you attend a competition, unfortunately, this is an expense associated with our fantastic sport. We are fortunate to have some fantastic venues available to us for competitions. Venues of this standard can cost up to $7000 per day to hire, the cost of which the club sponsoring the competition would have to otherwise absorb.
What time does the auditoriums and theatres open?
The auditoriums are usually only open 30 minutes before a competition commences. This saves the sponsoring club paying extra costs of venue hire.
Why does the theatre have to be cleared between sessions?
The venues must be cleared between each session to be cleaned before the following session. This also ensures that all audience members pay for all sessions they intend to watch.
Why aren’t fathers allowed in dressing rooms?
Fathers are not allowed in the dressing rooms for any age group as dressers. While we understand that fathers share an equal interest in supporting their children and contribute significantly to our sport, this rule protectects our sports members, the majority being female. All competitors (girls and boys) are encouraged to wear flesh bodysuits under their costumes (where appropriate) for modesty in the dressing rooms.
Why can’t I take action photos/videos of my own child on stage?
Photos and videos are not permitted to be taken during performances to protect the privacy of all our competitors. Competition sponsors have a duty of care to protect our members right to privacy. Furthermore, theatre and venues generally have rules about the use of photography during live performaces as the physical safety of performers whilst on stage are is at risk.
Why is eating and drinking in the dressing rooms and theatres restricted?
This is a ruling made by both the competition and venue convenors to meet health and safety requirements. Water is acceptable to ensure hydration.
Why must I switch off my mobile phone in the theatre or venue?
It is common courtesy to switch your mobile phone off in all theatres, just like you would at the movies. Not only is it disruptive to other audience members, but also to the competitors on stage. Mobile phones and pagers can also interfere with the sound systems at some venues.
Why must performers wear tracksuits in the theatre?
Clothing and footwear must be worn in all theatres to prevent staining on the upholstery from leg tan and other forms of makeup, further, wearing clothing in the theatre minmises the risk of injury to our performers.